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A more walkable Oxford

Better for everyone


1. Being outdoors could and should be better

2. Policy support for better streets and public spaces needs turning into action

3. What's wrong with Oxford's streets and public places

       3.1 Day to day management

       3.2 Street and facilities design

       3.3 Signage and navigation systems

       3.4 Poor installation and maintenance of facilities

4. What to put right and make better

       4.1 Create clarity about who does what

       4.2 Make streets into places for all to use and enjoy

       4.3 Remove barriers to getting about on foot

       4.4 Address the details

5. Specific proposals for the City Centre

6. Summary

Appendix A - What's wrong with Oxford's streets and public spaces - the details

Appendix B - Policy references that support better walking and outdoor activity

Appendix C - About Oxford Pedestrians Association